Category Archives: Healing

Breaking Through Fear With Faith

On Wednesday night of this week, Briella and I found ourselves in a life-altering situation that has changed us for the better. We drove to Bellville, NJ in...
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Aligning With Our Souls

The world is healing and so are we.  People are letting go of their wounds and imprints and returning to a loving vibration. Love is the frequency of...
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Focusing On Perspective Change

As we witnessed paradigms and accepted norms crumbling in the last year all over the planet, we now see seeds of change germinating.  These seeds are from the...
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Returning to A New Normal

It has been a challenging time for most. This past year was the greatest one of transformation we have witnessed.  It afforded us opportunities of slowing down and...
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Divine Masculine Energies Aligning

For centuries, the masculine energy on this planet has been over powering the female energy and it has been out of alignment. The divine masculine male energy is...
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Staying Centered In Your Frequency

Over the next few months, we will see many changes on the planet.  These changes are necessary for the longevity of this Earth.  As things clear out and...
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Humanity Healing & Uniting

Many things are shifting on the Earth and it is because the humans are awakening to a new way of life.  Old paradigms that were quietly accepted norms,...
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