Category Archives: Healing

5 Signs That Your Energy Needs Aligning

This article was originally published in the Llewellyn Journal by Llewellyn Worldwide on 8/28/17. Often after a healing session, clients will ask, “When do I need to come back?”...
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Raising Our Frequencies to Love

Energy is everywhere; it’s in us and all around us. All energy vibrates or moves at a frequency. As we raise our vibrations by healing and clearing things...
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Energetic Anchor Points

I have written in the past about energetic cords that we form between ourselves and others and the need to cut these cords regularly for the benefit of...
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Witnessing Unconditional Love

Sometimes we are called to certain places and we think we’re going for one reason, but there is something greater than we could have imagine waiting for us....
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Shifting Our Thoughts: Is An Upgrade Needed?

This article was originally published in The Llewellyn Journal on January 30th, 2017.   Many people are shifting their vibrations in dynamic ways—clearing old imprints, healing, and ascending. Part of...
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Always Helping Us Heal

We never know when the people closest to us will be ushered from this Earth and crossed over to the other side; God is the timekeeper of those secret...
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