Communicating Through Thought-Advanced Exercise

In the past, we completed the basic exercise of communicating through thought.  We sent thought to people in close physical proximity to us and waited for them to respond.  Many of you completed this exercise with great success.  Now we are going to take that exercise a step further and try sending thoughts to someone physically further away from us.  For this exercise, you should choose someone in a different town from you.  If you really want to challenger yourself, try someone in a different state or even in a different country from yours.  You want to select someone in a further physical proximity than that which you used for the basic exercise.

1.  Sit quietly and relax the mind– allowing all thoughts to flow in and out freely.

2.  Think of a person that is physically distanced from your current location–it can be someone in the a different town, state, or even a different country.

3.  Close your eyes and picture the person vividly in your mind–all details of them physically.

4.  Using your mind, think of the person’s name and say it in your mind three times.

5.  Now that you have pictured the person and thought of his name, call out to him using only your mind

6.  Send a thought to the person asking him to call you (if the person is in the same room, you can send a thought asking him to speak to you).  Concentrate intently on the message you’re sending.

7.  Wait for the call.  If you do not get it within 24 hours.  Repeat the exercise again the following day.

8.  Keep a log of how long it took from the time of the you sent the first message to the time you received your call or validation that the message was received.

The point of this exercise is to demonstrate the fact that communication with thought does not depend on distance.  With thought, we can transcend space.  Once you master this task, you will be ready to communicate with spirit.


Bright blessings,


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