Manifesting and Healing Pain in the Physical Body

Pain manifesting in the physical body can be a nuisance and at times unbearable. For us to manifest physical acute and/or chronic illness that involves pain, we have ignored something very big in our lives that needs to be addressed. We have overlooked something to such a degree that now, we need physical pain to call our attention to clearing and releasing it from our energetic fields.

This past weekend, I was at a Barnes and Noble book signing in Pennsylvania for my latest book, Discovering the Healer Within: Use Chakras & Intuition to Clear Negativity & Release Pain. I met many people at the event. Some were energy workers, others were getting in touch with their soul paths, and some were interested in the idea of healing themselves on any level and bought the book to read more about it. As the day came to a close, a woman walked past my book display in the front of the store and silently scanned the title.

“If only it were true,” she said aloud with despair and glared at me.

“But it is true; I see examples of it every day in my work,” I said.

She explained that she was trying to relieve herself of a very painful, progressive condition and it was making her life at times overwhelming. As I watched the tears slip out from under her glasses, I could feel a sense of hopelessness she was projecting in her energy field. I smiled gently back at her and said what I saw in her.

“Sometimes the silent critic in us takes over and beats us down mentally. We can store this information as inflammation in our joints and lymph nodes causing swelling and pain. She looked away for a moment as though she were thinking. Then she glanced back at me. “When will you stop criticizing yourself and start loving yourself?” She wiped the tears from her eyes and said she was trying but having a hard time. She had some information about alternative healing at home but every time she sat down to review it, she worked on something else.“When you believe you are worthy of spending the time to release what you are holding on to, you will begin to heal yourself. It’s all about loving yourself,” I said.

She said that she was not ready to read the book, yet. I gave her my card and sent her to my website where there were many articles she could ready to help her on her healing journey. She thanked me and I wished her well in her healing.  I was grateful that she took the time to share and listen.

Healing is a personal journey and we need to be ready to let go and live differently.  Pain in our lives is meant to wake us up and help us acknowledge something that needs to change; we need to look at what we are storing either in thought forms, experiences, energetic imprints, or emotions that we need to release.  These things are not in line with our true selves. To clear physical pain, we need to forgive, accept, and return to love. It the essence of everyone on a soul level; we are all pure love.  Remember who you are and heal yourselves with love!

Bright blessings,


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