Low Vibrations or Low Vibrational Energy

When we discuss reaching out to our passed-on loved ones, we need to mention low vibrations.  Even though we do not plan on engaging with anything no in line with our frequencies, we need to be aware of their existence and discuss how to shield our energy.  Without turning this into a physics lesson, let us start by saying all energy vibrates.  Most evolved spirits vibrate at a higher frequency than that of humans because of the density of the human body, which is one of the reasons why spirits are somewhat intangible to some humans.

As our loved ones connect with us or others on the Earth plane, they may actually slow down their vibrations, so we can perceive and communicate with them.  Slowing down of the vibrational energy is different from a low vibrational energy spirit.  When we mention low vibrational energy we are referring to spirit forms that are less evolved and not necessarily light-filled.  Low vibrational energy does not have to be completely dark or evil, but it can be manipulative.  Some low vibrational spirits enjoy playing games and tricking us or mocking us. Others may be a bit more elusive and can invade our thought patterns.

It is important to be aware of this type of energy.  When we open the door to communicate with our loved ones, we want to connect with those specific spirits and we don’t want to have a revolving door for all spirits.  The first thing we need to do is bubble our energy  and tunnel ourselves in light.  Then when we need to engage our guides and ask them to shield us from anything other than love entering our space.  Once we have secured the space with only loving vibrational energy, we can use our minds to call our to our family members.

When we are ready to end the communication with our loved ones, we need to follow a few steps.  First we want to send them away with gratitude, light, and love.  Then we want to ground our energy and release the bubble sending it back to the heavens.  We also need to thank our guides for and the Divine for helping facilitate the process.  It is a good idea to perform the tunneling exercise throughout your space after you have communicated with passed on loved ones.  We want to make sure that we clear all energies.  By performing the tunneling exercise on a regular basis, you can ensure that you will only attract energy that is in line with your frequency.  If the energy in your home is full of love, then you will only attract loving vibrations.

Love and light,


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